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Tag: audience

Articles tagged as Audience

Art and the Artiste

Posted on May 24, 2022 by Jonah Krochmal
Art is expression and the artiste is one gifted having the ability to express but expression isn't confined to the power of the artiste.It's the need of man expressing and become understood which has caused communication protocol like gestures and languages.An artists capability to express is none like any ordinary mans, thus setting him apart.He's got the opportunity to see items that not everyone can easily see & appreciate until they are revealed...

Magic Trick Tips Using Invisible Thread

Posted on September 18, 2021 by Jonah Krochmal
Have you ever gone to a magic show, sitting there mesmerized as you thought about, "How did they do this?" You may already know, magic is more an illusion, creating the vision that something is going on although it isn't.While magicians use a variety of tools of the trade, probably the most popular may be the invisible thread.Looking to get magicians to divulge their secrets linked to the invisible thread is near impossible...