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Tag: world

Articles tagged as World

Art of Glass

Posted on April 21, 2024 by Jonah Krochmal
Trial-and-error led to among the largest industries up to now.The creation of glass continually evolved with additions of limestone, lead oxide and boric acid.Metals like cobalt, copper, manganese, silver and gold would change the consistency, clarity, colour weight and strength of glass.The Venetians were the first ever to become world leaders in the manufacture of glass.The Crusades and the conquest of Constantinople in 1204 opened just how for extensive trade practices through the entire Eastern Mediterranean and in a variety of Islamic territories...

Art and the Artiste

Posted on August 24, 2022 by Jonah Krochmal
Art is expression and the artiste is one gifted having the ability to express but expression isn't confined to the power of the artiste.It's the need of man expressing and become understood which has caused communication protocol like gestures and languages.An artists capability to express is none like any ordinary mans, thus setting him apart.He's got the opportunity to see items that not everyone can easily see & appreciate until they are revealed...

Books Are The Treasures Of The Written Word

Posted on October 4, 2021 by Jonah Krochmal
In this hi-tech advanced world that people reside in now, it seems many could have forgotten books, or at the very least lost touch using them for entertainment.We've television with multitudes of channels and devices that enable you to record programs and view them once you want so that you can basically have an unlimited way to obtain entertainment to see.In a generation where just about any household includes a computer having an internet connection, we are able to email, visit boards and more...